Green Sight

As senior leaders on the board and in the C-suite, you know a problem cannot be solved until it’s understood. Sustainability is the defining challenge of our times. Greensight helps company directors, the C-suite and leaders by:

  • Simplifying the alphabet soup of sustainability jargon into board language
  • Providing references, infographics, explanatory tables and checklists
  • Framing four typologies for business sustainability readiness
  • Clearly outlining sustainability governance and accountabilities for boards and C-suites

Worldwide, regulations changing your accountability and exposure are in place or in the pipeline. Investors, who increasingly care about sustainability and its impact on the quality of the business and its valuations, are asking pointy questions. Customers and employees are, too.

With Greensight, give them an answer exceeding their expectations!

You can order a single copy via Amazon directly.

They Love It!

Leaders from all industries are embracing the mandatory changes to foster their sustainability transition and reaping its massive rewards.

What Will You Do?

As leaders, how do you get everyone onboard for the sustainability transition? How do you get measurable results that address both environmental concerns and financial needs? How do you ensure you have the right attitudes, culture, and governance in place to thrive, not just survive, in the world of tomorrow? 

Greensight is your answer to these challenges.

You can order a single copy via Amazon directly.

About Joanne

Joanne Flinn is an award-winning global business advisor with over 25 years of board experience. Twice a TEDx speaker and former country head for Financial Services Consulting at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Joanne works with boards, chairs, and C-suites to integrate sustainability, strategy, and culture for business results. She facilitates workshops, leads masterclasses, and speaks on business sustainability, performance, and how to apply Greensight for business results in your organisation.

What Leaders Say?

In this highly accessible Greensight guide, board members and senior management gain a comprehensive road map detailing what they must consider and where they must lead.


Every boardroom should have a copy; every chair should build governance discussions around it; and it should be required reading for every director and every CEO.

Philip Forrest, AM

Member of the Governing Council, Singapore Institute of Directors

At last, a how-to manual on sustainability that prepares company directors for converting today’s voluntary disclosures to tomorrow’s preconditions for corporate survival.


Greensight allows directors to become proactive champions for a healthier planet, whilst leading their companies to long-term, sustainable profits.

Kris Wadia

Board Director and CEO

As organizational leaders and boards become increasingly aware of the complexity of the sustainability agenda, they can feel overwhelmed. This is where Joanne’s book is essential. A simple but not simplistic, practical guide for organizational directors and leaders to understand the foundational role sustainability (people, planet, and profit) plays in governance. For leaders who want to ensure they are approaching and embedding this into the essence of their responsibilities and the fabric of good governance, Greensight is a must read!

Rebecca Hill

Chair, auticon UK Advisory Board


With every challenge comes opportunities. Addressing climate change and future-proofing your company is – without a doubt – the challenge of this century. How will you respond to it? 


With Greensight, get your executive team the insights, the tools and best practices they need to raise to the occasion, ignite a governance and cultural change to will allow your company not only to survive the sustainability transition but thrive with it!

You can order a single copy via Amazon directly.

Next Session Date: 7th Of October 2024 at 3:00 pm SGT

Next Session Theme: Overview
Greensight Webinar Registration (New)

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