Seven books over ten years
Award-winning, best-selling
My business books are for leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs who are ready to look at things differently and do things more mindfully in order to make a positive difference in a changing world.
I don’t pretend to know it all, and many of my books are based on extensive research while others were written through global collaboration. Simply put, I like to do my homework, and teams get things done better!
Karma In Action ~ How to use karma and kindness to grow your business
Good business does good. A simple philosophy which takes disciplined practical actions.
If you are tired of anger, aggression and toxicity in your life; if you are looking for a calmer, kinder way of building a successful career and growing your business; if you simply want to thrive in an increasing fast paced world – this book gives you the tools to do so serenely.
Karma in Action is a simple, actionable, step-by-step process that helps you use karma and kindness to create prosperity and success. ( Released January 2020)
Karma In Action: Get your copy here from Amazon
Karma: How to stay calm and productive even in crisis
The companion book to Karma in Action. With the stress, changes and turbulence of coronavirus, and the uncertainty of what may come next, this book is specifically to help you in these times.
In the words of reviewers:
When the ground has suddenly and literally seismically shifted beneath us, this book brings you key principles to help us to re-center on that which is truly important.
~Mark Bryant, Partner IBM
This is an eminently practical book offers
a pathway to real solutions to wellbeing, at the individual, family, team,
company, community, and country level. You need this book right now.
~ Dave Cooper, former Navy SEAL
Joanne’s book will help you get real and through these times. And yes, to somewhere better. Karma will help you do so successfully.
~ Cathy Johnson, President Asia Professional Speakers, Singapore
This is an eminently practical book offers a pathway to real solutions
~ Dave Cooper, former Navy SEAL
This is an eminently practical book offers
a pathway to real solutions to wellbeing, at the individual, family, team,
company, community, and country level. You need this book right now.
~ Dave Cooper, former Navy SEAL
This is an eminently practical book offers
a pathway to real solutions to wellbeing, at the individual, family, team,
company, community, and country level. You need this book right now.
~ Dave Cooper, former Navy SEAL
Karma: How to stay calm and productive through crisis Get your copy here from Amazon
Unleash Your Voice ~ Powerful Public Speaking for Every Woman
As a woman, I’ve learned that when it comes to business leadership, sharing your vision and wisdom with a voice as powerful as your ideas makes all the difference. This book is a global collaboration of 16 successful businesswomen and change-makers to help you (or a woman near you!) speak powerfully. ( Released March 2019)
Unleash Your Voice! Get your copy on Amazon
New Eyes on Change Leadership ~ The human side of change leadership
In a turbulent, changing world, we need new ways of leading change. This book is a global collaboration of 12 thought leaders in change from the University of Oxford to bring you 21st-century tools for leading change in your organization or industry. (2013)
The Success HealthCheck
This book won awards for its contribution to the profession for the way it addresses both technology and human change and the blurring lines between them. I’m in the process of updating this book, originally published in 2010 with Wiley, to bring you 2020 insights into digitization, disruption, and the eight things that really make a difference for your business in rapidly changing times.
Successful leaders are used to dealing with shifting priorities while getting things done. Their challenge is to know which of their goals are likely to succeed and which might not—or worst still, which might be a write-off. Wiley 2010.
Better Business, Better Life, Better World
This book was inspired by B1G1, a global network of business owners who see business contributing through micro-giving as an essential form of profit. People thought we were crazy to publish this left-field book, but it became a best seller! I contributed to it in my alter identity Booth Aster the Artist (2015)
Rice: Treasured Stories of the World’s Favorite Grain
Yes, this is a book about those little white grains that taste so good with curry. My dad was a scientist at a rice research station and my mum is a writer who collected legends from 16 countries as they traveled. The Booth Aster side of me illustrated them. Not only was this book something my mother dreamed of doing for three decades, but the museum curators at the Asian Civilizations Museum called it “a genuine contribution to culture” when they put it in the Museum Collection.
PS: When I talk about unicorning and doing the impossible, it’s because you can!
To unicorn:
To do the magnificent;
for others the impossible.
In finance, a billion.
Come to think of it, these books are unicorns. A decade ago people said a woman could not publish a book on digital disruption, yet I did with The Success HealthCheck. Rice made it to one of the top Museums in Asia. New Eyes went from idea to launched at Saïd Business School in 12 months. And now, Karma in Action, Karma and Unleash Your Voice each were writing, edited and published in under a year and on the Best Seller List!
If you’ve got insight and wisdom you wish to get out into the world, take a look at Author-ity. It’s the process I use to create, edit, and publish these unicorns for myself and my clients.
For the curious, full disclosure, these are simply Amazon links they are not affiliate links.