To Unicorn

Let’s debunk a modern myth: unicorns exist in the age of disruption.

To unicorn:

Def’n: To create the magnificent, the unusual, the never-done-before. To do what some people consider the impossible. To do something that is both meaningful and even a touch magical.

For example:

  • To do the ‘humanly impossible’: climbing Everest, running the 4 minute mile
  • To create art to inspire joy: the 5 story high flower covered puppy by Jeff Koons
  • To impact the lives of a million people from your home, practically impossible before the internet and mobiles
  • To build an organization worth a billion or who benefits a billion in years, not lifetimes:  Apple, Grab and TED

To unicorn is to think big and act transformative. It’s to change the direction of the world and history for the better.

If you were to unicorn, what would it be?

What is your unicorn?

PS I’m collecting unicorns… tell me of ones you see,

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